Call or text now on 0422448918
Congratulations on your engagement! You might be disappointed because you have to reschedule your wedding celebration with family and friends, but if you still want to get legally married now, you’re in the right place.
I’m Sharon Osman and with over 12 years of experience in weddings, I am authorised to still conduct your Legal Ceremony ASAP.
Provided you have legally lodged a valid Notice of Intended Marriage Form, a minimum of a month ago with a legal authority.
If so, then you would need to get in touch with the relevant authority & have your paperwork transferred to me at your earliest convenience.
Alternatively, you can lodge your Notice form with me today and get married in as early as a month.
If you are willing to comply with the Government’s Coronavirus rules, then I can solemnise your marriage with you both, your two witnesses and myself. To make this easy and adhere to the Health and Safety regulations, I am extremely cautious and carry out thorough cleaning and disinfecting of furniture used after every wedding.
To make this easy I am presently conducting weddings outdoors as well in my spacious backyard garden.
Here the 4 meter social distancing rules can effortlessly be followed by all parties at all times to control the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition, hand sanitizer is provided for all, separate pens for signing and you have the option to live stream your ceremony to include family and friends. You may also choose to also bring your own black ink pens for signing.
Call me now for free advice, more information or to have me answers all your questions.
Or email your NOIM form and contact details on
and I will get back to you immediately.
I look forward to being of assistance and offering support during these less exciting times.